It’s monday, what are you reading ? #150

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July 24, 2017 by ceresbooksworld

it's monday

A weekly event hosted by Kathryn at the Book Date to discuss your reading week ~ the books you’ve read and those you plan on reading in the coming week.

Finished Last Week
Timelapse de Nadia Richard

Le jour des 18 ans de Samantha, le temps s’est arrêté. Piégée 48 heures dans un monde où tous ceux qu’elle aime sont transformés en statues de cire, Sam réalise avec effroi qu’elle est la cause de ce phénomène. La vie reprend son cours, mais Sam, elle, est persuadée de devenir folle. Pourtant son don est on ne peut plus réel. Et convoité. Alors que M. Delatour, son professeur de physique, s’intéresse subitement à elle, la jeune femme réalise avec stupeur qu’elle est incapable de figer le nouveau de la classe, le mystérieux Matthias. Seraient-ils plus liés qu’elle n’ose l’espérer ? Mais à trop jouer avec le temps, Sam pourrait bien finir par en manquer… car Delatour semble prêt à tout pour s’approprier son pouvoir, peu importent les conséquences.

Forbidden de Tabitha Suzuma

“Tu crois que personne ne peut te comprendre, mais tu te trompes. Tu n’es pas seul.
Ils disaient qu’on refusait de se mêler aux autres, qu’on n’avait pas d’amis. Mais ils se trompaient.
On était là l’un pour l’autre. Il était ce que j’avais de plus précieux au monde.
Qu’est-ce qui leur permet de dire que notre amour est monstrueux ? On n’a fait de mal à personne.
Il est mon âme-sœur, ma raison d’être.
Il est aussi indispensable à ma vie que l’air que je respire.
J’ai toujours su que je l’aimais plus que tout au monde, et que l’amour que je lui portais n’était pas simplement fraternel.”

Maya et Lochan ne sont pas des adolescents comme les autres. Élevés par une mère alcoolique et instable, ils sont livrés à eux-mêmes et n’ont d’autre choix que d’élever seuls le reste de la fratrie. Forcés de devenir adultes plus tôt que prévu, ils se soutiennent dans l’adversité et finissent par tomber amoureux. Lochan se sent seul au monde, et Maya est la seule à pouvoir le comprendre. Conscient de la monstruosité de cet amour, Lochan est prêt à tout pour bâillonner le désir et les sentiments que sa sœur lui inspire. Mais comment résister alors que Maya a besoin de lui autant qu’il a besoin d’elle ? Est-ce un crime de s’aimer si fort ?


Currently Reading
Blood Magic by Danielle Rose

Avah Taylor thought she had already faced the worst.

As her coven’s chosen one, destined to receive a power that could kill her, Avah was forced to make the ultimate sacrifice when she gave up her mortal life to become a vampire, the witches’ greatest enemy. But just when she begins to adjust to her new life, even as she falls in love with her sire, the high priestess of her new coven is seized by Rogue vampires.

Guided by Avah’s visions of the past, present, and future, Avah and the other vampires set out to rescue their priestess, but their journey leads Avah to the discovery that the conspiracy behind her power runs deeper than she ever imagined. As her visions grow increasingly terrifying, Avah begins to wonder if she may not have a future at all.


On Deck
A different kind of lovely by Petra March

“A man with a damaged soul fell in love with a ballerina with a broken body.”

When Neal Medwin glimpses Mina Automne for the first time, he’s a man whose soul is darkened with memories of a painful past, whereas Mina is a vibrant, strong, young woman. She’s a determined ballerina who’s carefully planning and painting her life.
Neal steps into her existence and threatens to shatter Mina’s plans with an impossible request.
Mina can’t help the fragile man who’s invading her home, even though their parents used to be close friends and she knows of Neal’s hurtful background. She allows him to linger within her lovely and artistic world, however, hoping he might find some peace and solace.
Slowly, their conflict turns into friendship, and eventually into love, until a terrible discovery ruins Mina’s projects and forces her to let go of all her dreams, and of her sweet, damaged man.
Neal is unable to fight for Mina and for the unripe love they share, because he’s not ready to leave his past behind. He’s not strong enough – not yet.

How to disappear by Sharon Huss Roat

Vicky Decker has perfected the art of hiding in plain sight, quietly navigating the halls of her high school undetected except by her best (and only) friend, Jenna. But when Jenna moves away, Vicky’s isolation becomes unbearable.

So she decides to invent a social life by Photoshopping herself into other people’s pictures, posting them on Instagram under the screen name Vicurious. Instantly, she begins to get followers, so she adds herself to more photos from all over the world with all types of people. And as Vicurious’s online followers multiply, Vicky realizes she can make a whole life for herself without ever leaving her bedroom. But the more followers she finds online, the clearer it becomes that there are a lot of people out there who feel like her— #alone and #ignored in real life.

To help them, and herself, Vicky must find the courage to face her fear of being “seen,” because only then can she stop living vicariously and truly bring the magic of Vicurious to life.

In this beautiful and illuminating narrative, Sharon Huss Roat shines a light on our love of social media and how sometimes being the person you think you want to be isn’t as great as being the person you truly are.


The Ice Queen by Rebecca Bauer

Ten years after a chilling coup, Aria finds herself trapped in a lifestyle she never chose–one which will damage her future forever. A fortuitous set of circumstances send her back to her home, where she uncovers an inflamed kingdom on the brink of civil war. To lead them, Aria must rediscover the woman she was meant to be–and to take back the seat stolen from her as a child, she must overcome more than just her past. The only way to win is by the blade.




And you what are you reading ?

Just to finish, now i will let you know the Tv shows I’m watching.


Quantico Season 2 – 21 to 22

Reign Season 4 – 8

So which series do you watch ?

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